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12 Essential Self-Empowerment Techniques

Do you feel low on self-confidence? Do you feel that every aspect of your life is on a downward spiral? Are you feeling depressed, demotivated, and stuck in life?

There are a wide variety of reasons for feeling so, may it be due to a single traumatic event or an accumulation of unfavorable events. When unwanted changes occur unexpectedly in our life, we as creatures of habit find it difficult to adapt to these new and daunting changes. As we fall deeper and deeper into the hole of hopelessness, it becomes ever increasingly hard to draw ourselves back out.

Some people find solace in discovering hope through religion while others may cope with distress by releasing emotions and feelings to their closest confidant. No matter what way in which we choose to cope with grief and misery, we are all aiming to feel empowered and re-discover the motivation and fuel necessary to help us get through the most difficult periods of our life.

Follow these 12 Essential Self-Empowerment Guidelines for an Improved You:


Accept yourself as you are right now, you can still make changes while embracing who you are. Let go of perfection.


Negative emotions, self-defeating thoughts & limiting beliefs (I can't achieve/I don't deserve...) & blockages (I'm not good enough) - Seek professional help from a Hypnotist, Life-Coach or Therapist.

Laughter, Exercise, Hobby

These are all empowering tools & help release endorphins- the feel-good hormones.

Quiet the Mind

Meditation, self-hypnosis, yoga, etc., help quiet the mental chatter & promote peace.

Forgive & Let Go of Blame/Anger

People do their best with the tools they have at the time.


It is the key that unlocks positive energy in life and the alchemy that transforms issues/problems into blessings/gifts. Make it a habit to give gratitude every day, eg. "I am grateful for waking up today in a warm place".

Goal Setting

Setting goals creates direction, and pace and helps us achieve a manageable life in the direction we choose.

Personal Inventory

Learn to tune into yourself & cultivate that art of listening to yourself. What are your feelings/body/mind/intuition telling you? Instead of "why" ask "how". Pay attention to the answers that come up.

Take One Step at a Time

Move at a pace that is comfortable for you. Rome was not built in a day.


Follow up on your promises, including promises to yourself. Give everything you do a 100% including taking care of yourself. Set healthy boundaries, separating others' issues from yours.


Behaviors have negative or positive consequences teaching us we have a choice.


Take responsibility for what you can change & accept what is out of your control. Self-defeating behaviors like procrastination are a barrier to living a congruent life. What is past-due and creating anxiety within you? What are you avoiding or not facing in your life? Acting when the time is right is being in harmony with your life.

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